
How does power lead to corruption in Animal Farm?

How does power lead to corruption in Animal Farm?

Orwell shows that the animals have the power to challenge Mr Jones’ control and take over the farm – using power in a positive way. Many of the characters in the novel are eventually corrupted by the power they have, particularly the pigs, as they manipulate their position of leadership to exploit other animals.

How did power corrupt Macbeth?

Macbeth becomes corrupt under the thought of becoming king and gaining almost complete control over the people that he rules. Macbeth wants the power badly enough to do horrible deeds such as commit regicide. Lady Macbeth becomes very ambitious and allows herself to become seduced to the idea of becoming Queen.

Why are the witches so important in Macbeth?

The witches in “Macbeth” are important because they provide Macbeth’s primary call to action. The witches’ prophesies also affect Lady Macbeth, albeit indirectly when Macbeth writes his wife about seeing the “weird sisters,” as he calls them.

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